阿鹏云 阿鹏云 阿鹏云是一家以计算机科学、数字技术和智能平台为核心的软件开发和云平台服务商。 慧认证© 专注于为第三方认证机构提供管理体系认证(如ISO、HACCP、AS等)的认证云服务,支持CNAS、IFA及各类第三方等认证标志管理。 慧管账© 是专为中、小、微企业和个体工商户量身打造的财务云,只需要5分钟即可管理自己的财务资金。 慧商©是阿鹏云倾心打磨的新型商务关系管理系统,它能帮助贵企业管理商务活动中的客户、供应商、合作伙伴等业务往来单位。涵盖CRM客户关系管理(拜访、关怀、关系阶段、礼品)、业务单位(供应商、客户、合作伙伴)、进销存业务(商品、采购、销售、库存/调库/清库)等全方位功能。本应用更注重于全生涯的业务管理,从关系由陌生到转化的落地全过程,管理每一次拜访/关怀的细节。


China’s Certified Organizations Exceeded Over One Million 阿鹏云科技


2023-10-01 09:57:08

The State Administration for Market Regulation of China released the “China Quality Certification Development Report” on September 26. Up to now, China has approved the establishment of 1,261 certification bodies and issued more than 3.61 million valid certificates covering product, management system, and service certification. The number of certified organizations has exceeded 1 million.

In terms of the industry distribution of companies certified by China’s quality management system, manufacturing has the highest proportion at 57.81%, reflecting a high demand for overall quality improvement in this industry. In the year of 2022, the industry with the fastest growth in certified companies was the accommodation and catering industry, with a year-on-year increase of 19.35%.

China’s quality certification has now been recognized as a touchstone of quality management, a credential for trustworthy market economic activities, and a well-recognized certificate for international trade.

At present, all sectors of the national economy and various social fields in China have implemented the certification system that covers various types of certification for products, services, and management systems. Through the feedback function of certification, it guides consumption and procurement, forms an effective market selection mechanism, drives companies to improve their management level and product/service quality, and increases the effective supply in the market.


